About us
Our mission and vision
Our Mission
The mission of Restoration Outreach Community Center is that every generation will be transformed and made new by the message of unity and the tangible love of Jesus Christ. Restoration Outreach Community Center has a mandate and priority to be a place of refuge focusing on building and restoring the family. We implement viable and lifelong solutions through our in-reach and outreach life teaching tools. Our mission message reverberated with the passion of Jesus when He declared in Luke 4:18-19 (MSG), God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” ROCC’s mission is to the world and we have a mandate by God to be an adequate light of Jesus Christ and to be a strong spiritual impact in our communities, letting the neighborhood know that we are here and care.
Our Vision
The vision of Restoration Outreach Community Center is to serve people as we minister to those hurting, wounded, brokenhearted, and in need of spiritual healing. Our vision is to help them reach their greatest potential by seeing and activating their God-given gifts, talents, and strengths to move forward in life. We feel that making God your personal savior is an excellent experience and with this new commitment, the next step of responsibility is to develop spiritual maturity through the teaching of God’s principles, standards, values, and precepts of His Word. This is established through mentoring and disciplining hearts, one at a time, by training and equipping compassionate accountable leaders who demonstrate integrity, respect, and dignity in their homes, church, and community to all people. In turn, these leaders will mentor and train others to become leaders with like hearts. Our vision is that every life, every heart, and every family has the tools for a fruitful and blessed life through a relationship with God.
“He is like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots beside the stream. It does not fear the heat or even drought. Its leaves stay green and its fruit is dependable, no matter what it faces.” (Jeremiah 4:8, The Voice)
Our Commitment
Our Commitment
Our name, Restoration Outreach Community Center, represents who we are and why we are more than just a church name inside the comfortable walls. Our commitment is to be a center or a safe place in our community where individuals from different ethnicities, races, and socio-economic backgrounds feel welcome to come to experience the grace, forgiveness, and tangible love of Jesus Christ for restoration. We commit to influencing all generations by empowering and encouraging a lifelong journey of personal growth and spiritual support. Thus, leaving a legacy of hope for future generations. We commit to supporting our fellow partners and establishing and building new relationships in partnering to meet the needs of the community. We commit to strengthening our partnership with Women Men and Youth of Purpose, Int’l for missions to be the change for the betterment of the world. As Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
(Mark 16:15, New Living Translation)